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New Applicants for Licences
How to Apply
To begin a licence application, go to the Builder Portal and create an account. The Builder Portal is an online service for builders and vendors to manage and submit forms electronically and pay fees. The HCRA is committed to making the application process fair and efficient, and will only be accepting applications, supporting documents and fee payments through the Builder Portal. For more information on how to submit an application, please review this checklist. Those unable to apply through the Builder Portal and requiring an accommodation should contact the HCRA Licensing and Customer Service Department at
What Is Needed to Apply
Before starting a licence application, the following information needs to be ready. This list applies to the primary contact and any principals
Any individual or company owning at least 10% of the business as per the Shareholder Register.
Click the link to view our full Glossary.Named in the Initial Return / Notice of Change filed with the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery.
Click the link to view our full Glossary.Named in the Initial Return / Notice of Change filed with the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery.
Click the link to view our full Glossary.A legal relationship between two or more individuals, corporations or trusts that join together to carry on a trade or business.
Click the link to view our full Glossary.Individuals and corporations who have, or may have, influence over a person or the person’s business.
Click the link to view our full Glossary.- Date of Birth
- Driver's Licence Number
Reminder – before applying make sure to have:
- Statements of achievement (or other confirmation of successful completion) of required competencies submitted to the HCRA by the education provide and/or notification from the HCRA that any required equivalencies or exemptions have been granted
- Criminal Record and Judicial Matters check results.
Application Fees for New Applicants
As part of the application for a licence, applicants will be required to pay a licensing fee to the HCRA. The required fee will be different depending on whether the applicant is part of an umbrella group or not. An umbrella group means that the applicant shares at least one common principal
Any individual or company owning at least 10% of the business as per the Shareholder Register.
Click the link to view our full Glossary.Named in the Initial Return / Notice of Change filed with the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery.
Click the link to view our full Glossary.Named in the Initial Return / Notice of Change filed with the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery.
Click the link to view our full Glossary.A legal relationship between two or more individuals, corporations or trusts that join together to carry on a trade or business.
Click the link to view our full Glossary.New licence fee – Umbrella
This is a one-time, new licence fee of $750 for those applying as part of an umbrella group. This fee is lower than non-umbrella applicants based in part on administrative efficiencies in the review of historical records of the shared principal(s), director(s), officer(s) or partner(s).A group of builders/vendors sharing at least one common officer, director, principal, partner or franchise.
Click the link to view our full Glossary.New licence fee – Non-Umbrella
This is a one-time, new licence fee of $3,000 for a new applicant with no history as a licensee or previous registration with Tarion.
Fee payment is conveniently offered through the Builder Portal. Those unable to make a payment through the Builder Portal and requiring an accommodation should contact the HCRA Licensing and Customer Service Department at Please note that HCRA reviews the application after payment has been received. If payment has not been received within 10 business days, the application will be automatically treated as withdrawn.
Renew a licence
To remain licensed as a builder or vendor, a licence must be renewed before it expires.
Most builder and vendor licences will have an expiry date that is 12 months from the date the licence is issued. The renewal due date is 30 days before the expiry date of the licence. In order to assist in meeting this 30-day renewal due date, the HCRA will send a reminder approximately 60 days before the licence is set to expire. The renewal application can begin at that time.
Continuing to build or sell new homes after a licence expires is illegal under the New Home Construction Licensing Act, 2017 (NHCLA). If the renewal application is submitted before the expected expiry date, the licence will not expire, and licensees may continue to operate as per usual while the HCRA processes the application.
On February 1, 2021, the Home Construction Regulatory Authority (HCRA) became responsible for licensing new home builders and vendors in Ontario. Licensing was previously done through registration with Tarion. If you were registered with Tarion, your registration automatically transitioned to a licence with the HCRA.
How to Renew A Licence
To begin a renewal application, applicants must use the Builder Portal. The Builder Portal is an online service for builders and vendors to manage and submit forms electronically and pay fees. The HCRA is committed to making the application process fair and efficient, and will only be accepting renewal applications, supporting documents and fee payments through the Builder Portal. For more information on how to submit an application, please review this checklist. Those unable to apply through the Builder Portal and requiring an accommodation should contact the HCRA Licensing and Customer Service Department at
Part of the application renewal is a requirement to truthfully attest to additional details provided in the application such as a listing of all interested persons associated with the application, information about past conduct and criminal history, and compliance with laws. Failure to complete an honest attestation will impact the Registrar’s assessment of the applicant’s honesty and integrity.
As part of the renewal application process, payment of a renewal fee of $500 is required. Payment is conveniently offered through the Builder Portal. Those unable to make a payment through the Builder Portal and requiring an accommodation should contact the HCRA Licensing Department at The HCRA reviews renewal application after payment has been received. If payment is not received within 10 business days, the application for renewal will be automatically treated as withdrawn.
Late Renewals
All applications submitted after the renewal due date
The date that is 30 days before the expiry date of a licence. If a renewal application is submitted after the renewal due date, a late fee will be applied to the renewal application. All licences must be renewed by their renewal due date.
Click the link to view our full Glossary.